Business IT Solutions

The most important decision for your business – Choosing an IT Partner

ADVANCEDBITSWhat does Business IT Solutions mean and how will it help my business?

You’ve worked hard to get your business where it is, and realize technology is the cornerstone to keeping your business running day to day. Your network has been functioning—granted with glitches now and then and, at times, costly downtime—but you’ve learned to cope with these problems. You’re painfully aware your IT budget is getting bigger and bigger, but very concerned that your services aren’t necessarily better and better

If you want your business to run more efficiently, you need a Business IT Solving Partner—someone with the resources, experience, knowledge and extensive background to identify problems in your IT network support and analyze the overall effectiveness of your current business functions. He must look at the total picture to identify any weaknesses in your present system in relation to the job you need it to do. You want a partner who knows all the new technologies that could effectively replace and improve your service. Without doing this total system evaluation, merely offering temporary solutions and asking you to purchase more equipment will only add to the costs of your IT. The results will be a patchwork of fixes ultimately doomed to failure.

Whether you’ve done your job well and your business is growing or your competition is moving forward and you’re standing still, you’re faced with making IT decisions. Your IT people want you to buy more applications or more equipment, or they feel they need to hire more people. Thus far, you’ve had no choice but to follow their advice. In the past, you’ve moved forward on that advice and found that all the new equipment and applications have failed to fulfill the mission. Your IT costs are running up and you are searching for an answer.

SOLUTION: You need the services of a BUSINESS IT SOLUTIONS Partner. Someone who will have intimate knowledge of your functions and make all the decisions related to your IT network. The right partner can create a road map of where you are, and determine the necessary steps your IT needs to play in running more efficiently and economically to keep your future path free of any pitfalls or detours.

ABHow do I know that I have the right person or company?

  1. First, it is important to look for an IT Support company that has the background and experience to grasp and understand your business problems or goals. They must have the vision to identify the best technology needed for the task and they must have the resources to architect, implement and support the solutions.
  1. They must have many years’ experience working with a broad range of businesses and in unison with the CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, Marketing and Sales Executives to fully grasp the accumulative business history that successfully supports decisions fuelling and sustaining their value. They must command not only the IT functions of your business, but have a clear understanding of the business itself—the strengths, the weakness, the goals, and have the ability to chart a road map for the future

Business start-up, survival, success, growth and sustainability depend not only on the CEO’s expertise to captain the ship, but on who he chooses as his technology partner. The IT Partner will work closely with him and his department heads to get a clear picture of the companies workings and the ins and outs of business processes. Only in this way can he identify problems and opportunities, and then apply his expertise in Technology to find solutions. It takes this level of cooperation between owner and IT partner to be effective and successful.

The strength of this relationship lies in the close collaboration between users, upper management and business owners to address the most mundane user issues to the most complex ones. By working closely with Persisoft on a day-to-day basis to manage and service all their IT needs, companies have established a vital trust and the ability to open clear lines of communication on all levels of the business structure and needs. The close relationship that exists between Advanced Bits and their clients is what sets them apart and has established them as the premier provider of all three Levels of IT Support.

Why Work With Us

Software Development

Mobile Workforce

Vendor Management

Monitoring & Compliance

Cyber Security

Business IT Solutions

24/7 Smart Support

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John Doe

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